WooCommerce's reliability and flexibility makes it an excellent choice for all types and sizes of business, and we highly recommend it for those businesses who are beginners in the world of ecommerce, or for those with an existing WordPress website.
More than 26% of SME e-commerce websites use WooCommerce.
WooCommerce seamlessly integrates with a WordPress installation and its responsive nature and inbuilt advanced features make it a very cost-effective choice.
WooCommerce Development
Siruss can design and develop a brand new cutting-edge WooCommerce store for your business, or alternatively, assist with integration into your existing WordPress website.
Do you have an existing WordPress brochure website? It is extremely cost-effective to integrate WooCommerce into the existing WordPress website and add additional functionality until the ecommerce solution is right for the business.
Siruss will work with you to ensure that your existing website is suitable for WooCommerce integration. Depending on the age of the existing theme, it is often the case that the theme will need updating or possibly a new theme will be required.
Siruss is here to help and advise. Our experienced developers will review your existing WordPress website and produce a detailed report to enable you to make an informed decision.
Everything You Need To Get Started
Within WooCommerce we find detailed order tracking and customer engagement tools, which allow merchants to view past and open orders, update delivery statuses, apply discounts and more. Tax settings, inventory management, shipping options, coupon codes and pretty much everything else you need for a professional ecommerce setup, is part of WooCommerce, right out of the box
Extend Your WooCommerce Functionality
WooCommerce has an extensive library of well established and maintained plugins providing additional functionality. In fact, if something is not already built into WooCommerce, then you can pretty much guarantee there is a plugin for it.
Siruss can develop custom WooCommerce plugins to provide functionality that cannot be found with publicly available plugins. We can also customise your installation if you have specific product requirements – perhaps product customisation, for example.
Siruss are your WooCommerce partner of choice. Contact us today to have a chat about how we can help you as your WooCommerce partner.